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Western Jesse Tree Ornaments


There are 28 readings to allow for the longest Advent possible. Depending on the year, you will need to drop 1, 2, or 3 of the readings.


The Root of Jesse - Isaiah 11:1


Adam and Eve – Genesis 2


Noah – rainbow – Genesis 6-9


Abraham – field of stars – Genesis 12-17


Isaac – altar – Genesis 22


Jacob – ladder – Genesis 28


Joseph - coat of many colors – Genesis 35-47


prophecy – Judah and Israel’s blessing – lion – Genesis 49:8-12


Moses – basket – Exodus 2 – Deuteronomy 34


Ruth - shock of wheat – the book of Ruth


Samuel & Eli -oil lamp – 1 Samuel 1-4


David – slingshot – 1 Samuel 16-17


Soloman – crown – 1 Kings 3-10


Elijah healing a leper - 2 Kings 5:1-19


Jonah – whale – Jonah 1-4


Prophecy: Call His name Emmanuel - scroll with Emmanuel – Isaiah 7


Prophecy - great rejoicing foretold – throne – Isaiah 9-11


Daniel - stone smashing statue – Daniel 1-6


God’s dwelling – Ark of the Temple – Exodus 40, 1 Kings 8


Prophecy: the birth and star foretold – star of David – Micah 5:1-3, Numbers 24:17


Zacharias and Elizabeth – censer – Luke 1:5-25


the Annunciation - angel Gabriel – Luke 1:24-38


the Visitation - Mary & Elizabeth - Luke 1:39-56


Joseph – Matthew 1:1-25


Mary – Luke 1


Journey to Bethlehem – manger – Luke 2


Star of Bethlehem - Matthew 2:12


the infant Jesus – Luke 2:6-7




Twelve Days of Christmas


Day 1 (25 December): Nativity (Infant Jesus)
Luke 2:6-7


Day 2 (26 December): Light of the World (Radiant Light)
John 1:1-5, 10- 14


Day 3 (27 December): Announcement (Angel w/ Trumpet)
Luke 2:8-14


Day 4 (28 December): Shepherds Prepare (Standing Shepherd)
Luke 2:15


Day 5 (29 December): Shepherds Visit (Kneeling Shepherd)
Luke 2:16-20


Day 6 (30 December): Star of Bethlehem (Star)
Matthew 2:1-2


Day 7 (31 December): Wise Men Visit Herod (third king with myrrh)
Matthew 2:3-7


Day 8 (1 January): Naming of Jesus (Jesus Banner)
Luke 2:20-21/ Genesis 17:1-14


Day 9 (2 January): Visit of the Wisemen (King with gold and camel)
Matthew 2:9-12


Day 10 (3 January): Flight to Egypt (Sword)
Matthew 2:13-23


Day 11 (4 January): Song of Zachariah (dove)
Luke 1:57-64,67-80


Day 12 (5 January):  John the Baptist (Sandal)
Luke 3:1-22



Eastern/Byzantine Jesse Tree Ornaments


Day 1/15 Nov: The Creation of the World (sun)
Genesis 1—2:4


Day 2/16 Nov: Creation of Man (2 people)
Genesis 2:4-25


Day 3/17 Nov: Expulsion from Paradise (fruit)
Genesis 3:1-24


Day 4/18 Nov: Noah (rainbow)
Genesis 6: 9- 22; 7; 8


Day 5/19 Nov: Abraham (constellation of stars)
Genesis 12:1-7; 15:1-6; 17:1-9


Day 6/20 Nov: Sacrifice of Isaac (altar)
Genesis 22:1-18


Day 7/21 Nov: Jacob’s Ladder (ladder)
Genesis 28:10-17


Day 8/22 Nov: Joseph and his Brothers (Coat of many colors)
Genesis 37:3-35


Day 9/23 Nov: Joseph’s Elevation (cow)
Genesis 41, 42, 43, 45:1-16


Day 10/24 Nov: Israel’s Blessing for Judah (lion)
Genesis 49:1-2, 8-12


Day 11/25 Nov: Infant Moses (Basket)
Exodus 1:8-22, 2:1-10


Day 12/26 Nov: Moses and the Burning Bush (Burning bush)
Exodus 3:1-20


Day 13/27 Nov: Plagues (frog)
Exodus 6:29- 7:6; 14- 8:15; 11:1; 12:1-13, 28-32


Day 14/28 Nov: Israel passes thru the Red Sea (parted sea)
Exodus 13:20-22; 14; 15:1-19


Day 15/29 Nov: Water in the Wilderness (staff)
Exodus 15:20-16:1; 17:1-7


Day 16/30 Nov: Commandments (stone tablets)
Exodus 24:12-18


Day 17/1 Dec: Ruth (Shock of Wheat)
Ruth chapters 1- 4


Day 18/2 Dec: Birth of Samuel (Horn)
1 Samuel 1:1- 2:10


Day 19/3 Dec: Samuel & Eli (Lamp)
1 Samuel 3:1-20


Day 20/4 Dec: David the Anointed King (sheep)
1 Samuel 16:1-13


Day 21/5 Dec: David & Goliath (slingshot)
1 Samuel 17:1-11, 32-54


Day 22/6 Dec: David the Psalmist (footstool)
Psalm 110


Day 23/7 Dec: King Solomon (crown)
1 Kings 1: 32- 40; 2:1-4, 10, 12; 3:5-14


Day 24/8 Dec: Elias the Prophet (burning Rock)
1 Kings 18 & 19; 2 Kings 2:1-14


Day 25/9 Dec: Jonah the Prophet (whale)
Jonah 1- 4:11


Day 26/10 Dec: Tobias (fish)
Tobit 6-9:6, 11:2-19, 12:6, 11-22


Day 27/11 Dec: Emmanuel (scroll)
Isaiah 7:10-16; 8:1-4, 8-10


Day 28/12 Dec: Rejoicing Foretold (Throne)
Isaiah 9:6-7; 11:1-10


Day 29/13 Dec: Visits of Kings Foretold (Kings bearing gifts)
Isaiah 60:1-7


Day 30/14 Dec: Daniel (stone smashing a statue)
Daniel 2:31-36, 44-45


Day 31/15 Dec: 3 Holy Youths (flames)
Daniel 3:1-88


Day 32/16 Dec: God’s Dwelling (Ark of the Temple)
Exodus 40; 1 Kings 8


Day 33/17 Dec: Prayer of Avvacum the Prophet (Mountain w/ a large cave- the stable)
Habakkuk 3:2-19


Day 34/18 Dec: Wisdom, Word and Power of God (open book)
Baruch 3:36-38; 4:1-4


Day 35/19 Dec: Birth & Star Foretold (Star of David)
Micah 5:1-4


Day 36/20 Dec: Zachariah (Censer )
Luke 1:5-25


Day 37/21 Dec: Announcement (Angel)
Luke 1:24-38


Day 38/22 Dec: Visitation (Mary)
Luke 1:39-56


Day 39/23 Dec: Joseph the Betrothed (Joseph)
Matthew 1


Day 40/24 Dec: Journey to Bethlehem (Manger)
Luke 1:1-5


Day 41/25 Dec: Infant Jesus

Luke 2:6-7

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